Regenerating 水清洗 Solution Could Save Time and Cost

作者:迈克·瓦伦蒂, Product Manager- Cleaners and Non-Ferrous Surface Preparation, Hubbard-Hall, 公司.

Hubbard-Hall has developed an emulsifying cleaner that is optimized for filtration. In conjunction with its membrane filter, the solution enables users to regenerate cleaning solution.

Parts cleaning systems work by transferring soil into the cleaning solution. Those solutions have a finite capacity so they must be replaced periodically. 这个过程可能代价高昂,而且具有破坏性,但是, 直到现在, the alternative of regenerating the cleaning solution through filtration was difficult to achieve on a reliable, 具有成本效益的基础.

An emulsifying cleaner developed by Hubbard-Hall (Waterbury, Conn.) addresses this problem with a formulation paired with proprietary membrane filtration technology. This match of cleaner characteristics to filter design offers parts cleaners a way to reduce downtime, 提高效率,降低成本.


完成流程, 比如电镀, 镀锌, 油漆和涂层, 要求清洁表面, 客户和最终用户也是如此. To achieve this, industrial parts cleaning systems are incorporated into manufacturing processes. These systems are engineered to remove soil present on incoming materials or added at previous manufacturing operations. 土壤中含有化合物, 抛光的化合物, 加工油, 防腐蚀,甚至指纹.

Two types of cleaning are used in manufacturing: immersion (rack or barrel) and impingement (spray). 两者都是混合了搅拌的清洁溶液, 通常是热量, 清除零件表面的泥土.
清洁溶液使用溶解的组合, 润湿, emulsification and saponification to draw soil away from where it’s attached.

在溶解作用中,清洗剂溶解土壤. 一个例子是用酸溶解钢上的锈

Wetting uses differences in surface tension to pull soil into solution from the surface.
当土壤不溶解时使用, emulsification is where a surfactant or emulsifying agent with hydrophobic and hydrophilic elements pulls soil from the surface. Surfactants are characterized by their hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (HLB), 是什么决定了它们对油和水的相对吸引力. A high HLB value signifies a greater tendency towards solubilization while a low value indicates more emulsification.

皂化是一种化学过程,脂肪酸, 比如冲压钢上的猪油, 与碱反应生成肥皂. 由于是水溶性的,这使得土壤更容易清除.
With both emulsification and saponification, the soil stays in the bath. 几天或几周后, 溶液变得饱和,效率降低, 增加了零件在移动过程中被弄脏的风险. 当这种情况发生时,唯一的选择就是倒掉浴缸.

Non-emulsifying cleaners avoid this problem by using oil splitters — coalescers or skimmers — to remove the oil. 然而,这些清洁剂并不能清除所有类型的土壤. Furthermore, some soils show a tendency to emulsify without help from the solution.


一个好的过滤器必须能承受高温, pH values ranging from highly acidic to strongly alkali and thermal shock. 它应该是耐用的,以尽量减少更换频率, 而且必须有足够的毛孔来去除油脂,而不是表面活性剂.
三种类型的过滤器与乳化清洗剂一起使用. 这些都是:
每种类型都有自己的优点和缺点. Ultrafiltration, as used in reverse osmosis, works via molecular weight rejection. This has the downside of stripping out surfactants from the cleaner, which renders it ineffective.
Polymeric filters have limited capabilities in the necessary pH and temperature ranges. They are also easily damaged, can’t be back-pulsed and need frequent replacement. Ceramic filters handle a wider range of pH and temperature and can be back-pulsed but are fragile and susceptible to thermal stress cracking.


Hubbard-Hall’s addition to filtration technology is a combination stainless steel and metal oxide membrane (MOM) filter. Coating 316 stainless with MOM results in a filter with controlled pore size. It withstands temperatures over 200° F and pH values from 0 to 14. It’s durable, can be back-pulsed and is cleaned rather than replaced.

As dirty cleaner is pumped over the membrane, two things happen. 第一个, the cleaning solution is cleaned by passing through the pores while the larger, 乳化油分子被排除在外. 第二个, 这层膜打破了清洁剂和油之间的乳化液, 让更多的清洁剂被回收.

Improved filtration is only part of the answer to improved bath remediation. The other component is a cleaner formulated to work with the stainless MOM filter.

Breaking the emulsion requires precise control over HLB value, cloud point (the water solubility of the surfactant at temperature), 电荷和胶束形成. 来自哈伯德大厅的Aquaease-Infinity拥有所有这些属性.

Aquaease is designed to allow cleaned to flow continuously from the parts-washing tank to a separate process tank without the need to stop the cleaning line. 从这里,它被泵入膜过滤器. Reject (the soil) is returned to the process tank while regenerated cleaner goes back into the wash tank.

Benefits of this system include extending cleaning solution life by three to four times. 通过减少浴槽修复的频率, 它还减少了停机时间, halves consumption of cleaning solution and saves on energy and water. Re-soil rejects and problems at downstream operations (or the customer) are eliminated and there’s less waste to dispose of or treat.

A typical large cleaning line might consume $100,000 worth of cleaner per year. 拖曳通常占损失的35%. 其余65%中,使用Aquaease可回收95%. This could cut annual expenditure on cleaner by up to $62,000. Reduced downtime and lower hazardous waste disposal costs may also contribute to savings.


Emulsification and saponification cleaning processes are essential in many industries and businesses, 但它们给管理带来了成本和复杂性. Switching to an aqueous cleaner that’s optimized to work with new filtration technology extends the time between cleaner replacement. 这样可以提高操作效率,降低成本.









Excerpt: Hubbard-Hall has developed an emulsifying cleaner that is optimized for filtration. In conjunction with its membrane filter, the solution enables users to regenerate cleaning solution.


作者:迈克·瓦伦蒂, Product Manager- Cleaners and Non-Ferrous Surface Preparation, Hubbard-Hall, 公司.

Hubbard-Hall has developed an emulsifying cleaner that is optimized for filtration. In conjunction with its membrane filter, the solution enables users to regenerate cleaning solution.

Parts cleaning systems work by transferring soil into the cleaning solution. Those solutions have a finite capacity so they must be replaced periodically. 这个过程可能代价高昂,而且具有破坏性,但是, 直到现在, the alternative of regenerating the cleaning solution through filtration was difficult to achieve on a reliable, 具有成本效益的基础.

An emulsifying cleaner developed by Hubbard-Hall (Waterbury, Conn.) addresses this problem with a formulation paired with proprietary membrane filtration technology. This match of cleaner characteristics to filter design offers parts cleaners a way to reduce downtime, 提高效率,降低成本.


完成流程, 比如电镀, 镀锌, 油漆和涂层, 要求清洁表面, 客户和最终用户也是如此. To achieve this, industrial parts cleaning systems are incorporated into manufacturing processes. These systems are engineered to remove soil present on incoming materials or added at previous manufacturing operations. 土壤中含有化合物, 抛光的化合物, 加工油, 防腐蚀,甚至指纹.

Two types of cleaning are used in manufacturing: immersion (rack or barrel) and impingement (spray). 两者都是混合了搅拌的清洁溶液, 通常是热量, 清除零件表面的泥土.
清洁溶液使用溶解的组合, 润湿, emulsification and saponification to draw soil away from where it’s attached.

在溶解作用中,清洗剂溶解土壤. 一个例子是用酸溶解钢上的锈

Wetting uses differences in surface tension to pull soil into solution from the surface.
当土壤不溶解时使用, emulsification is where a surfactant or emulsifying agent with hydrophobic and hydrophilic elements pulls soil from the surface. Surfactants are characterized by their hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (HLB), 是什么决定了它们对油和水的相对吸引力. A high HLB value signifies a greater tendency towards solubilization while a low value indicates more emulsification.

皂化是一种化学过程,脂肪酸, 比如冲压钢上的猪油, 与碱反应生成肥皂. 由于是水溶性的,这使得土壤更容易清除.
With both emulsification and saponification, the soil stays in the bath. 几天或几周后, 溶液变得饱和,效率降低, 增加了零件在移动过程中被弄脏的风险. 当这种情况发生时,唯一的选择就是倒掉浴缸.

Non-emulsifying cleaners avoid this problem by using oil splitters — coalescers or skimmers — to remove the oil. 然而,这些清洁剂并不能清除所有类型的土壤. Furthermore, some soils show a tendency to emulsify without help from the solution.


一个好的过滤器必须能承受高温, pH values ranging from highly acidic to strongly alkali and thermal shock. 它应该是耐用的,以尽量减少更换频率, 而且必须有足够的毛孔来去除油脂,而不是表面活性剂.
三种类型的过滤器与乳化清洗剂一起使用. 这些都是:
每种类型都有自己的优点和缺点. Ultrafiltration, as used in reverse osmosis, works via molecular weight rejection. This has the downside of stripping out surfactants from the cleaner, which renders it ineffective.
Polymeric filters have limited capabilities in the necessary pH and temperature ranges. They are also easily damaged, can’t be back-pulsed and need frequent replacement. Ceramic filters handle a wider range of pH and temperature and can be back-pulsed but are fragile and susceptible to thermal stress cracking.


Hubbard-Hall’s addition to filtration technology is a combination stainless steel and metal oxide membrane (MOM) filter. Coating 316 stainless with MOM results in a filter with controlled pore size. It withstands temperatures over 200° F and pH values from 0 to 14. It’s durable, can be back-pulsed and is cleaned rather than replaced.

As dirty cleaner is pumped over the membrane, two things happen. 第一个, the cleaning solution is cleaned by passing through the pores while the larger, 乳化油分子被排除在外. 第二个, 这层膜打破了清洁剂和油之间的乳化液, 让更多的清洁剂被回收.

Improved filtration is only part of the answer to improved bath remediation. The other component is a cleaner formulated to work with the stainless MOM filter.

Breaking the emulsion requires precise control over HLB value, cloud point (the water solubility of the surfactant at temperature), 电荷和胶束形成. 来自哈伯德大厅的Aquaease-Infinity拥有所有这些属性.

Aquaease is designed to allow cleaned to flow continuously from the parts-washing tank to a separate process tank without the need to stop the cleaning line. 从这里,它被泵入膜过滤器. Reject (the soil) is returned to the process tank while regenerated cleaner goes back into the wash tank.

Benefits of this system include extending cleaning solution life by three to four times. 通过减少浴槽修复的频率, 它还减少了停机时间, halves consumption of cleaning solution and saves on energy and water. Re-soil rejects and problems at downstream operations (or the customer) are eliminated and there’s less waste to dispose of or treat.

A typical large cleaning line might consume $100,000 worth of cleaner per year. 拖曳通常占损失的35%. 其余65%中,使用Aquaease可回收95%. This could cut annual expenditure on cleaner by up to $62,000. Reduced downtime and lower hazardous waste disposal costs may also contribute to savings.


Emulsification and saponification cleaning processes are essential in many industries and businesses, 但它们给管理带来了成本和复杂性. Switching to an aqueous cleaner that’s optimized to work with new filtration technology extends the time between cleaner replacement. 这样可以提高操作效率,降低成本.
