

莫莉凯洛格, who recently took over as chairman of the board of directors from her father Charles at Hubbard-Hall, 站在她十几岁时工作过的商店的一个区域. Photo Credit: Steven Valenti; Republican-American

By Harrison Connery; Republican-American

WATERBURY — Hubbard- Hall President and CEO 莫莉凯洛格 knows all 67 people working at the company’s South Leonard Street headquarters by name.

穿过65,000-square-foot facility her family-owned business built in 1960, 家乐氏与拉斐尔·蒙特斯·德奥卡(Rafael Montes DeOca)等员工开玩笑, 谁以在仓库唱歌而闻名. “We can hear him in the morning through the walls,凯洛格说.

凯洛格 is the sixth generation of family leadership at Hubbard-Hall. 她的外表和行为都像一个行政人员:简单的黑色连衣裙, 她眼镜上粗犷的深色镜框, 轻声细语却充满自信. 凯洛格, 53, became the first female CEO in the company’s 170-year history when she took over for her cousin Andrew Skipp in 2014. Last month, she succeeded her 88year-old father Charles 凯洛格 as chairman of the board.

澳门威尼斯人网上赌场拥有多种产品线, 但在它目前的化身中, 它生产用于表面处理的化学品, cleaning chemicals for industry and chemical formulas that treat waste water.

“这不是蛋糕粉, 但是你拿一些干的原料, 你加入一些水,就会得到一个新的公式,凯洛格说.

凯洛格 initially was not on a direct path to continue the family legacy. 她是普林斯顿大学比较文学专业的学生, 而且她从未上过化学课. 然后她获得了欧洲工商管理学院的MBA学位, 枫丹白露的一所国际商学院, 法国, 接管了公司的威尔明顿, 质量.、位置. 她说,在那里,她“被虫子咬了一口”.”

她担任首席执行官后的第一个重大举措是改善公司 文化 鼓励她的员工坦诚相待, a policy which she says increased trust among colleagues and allows a good idea to come to the forefront regardless of who proposes it.

“你可以拥有世界上最好的球员, 但是一支伟大的球队是从更衣室开始的,”她说。, 画一条与冰球平行的线, 这是她在普林斯顿发现的激情. “All of a sudden we’re getting quickly to the wicked problems versus a more political atmosphere where people talk after meetings or in corners.”

她作为董事会主席的第一个项目 Aquaease无穷该网站将在两周后通过网络研讨会发布. It’s a metal cleaner that reduces the amount of chemicals needed in the cleaning process by about 35%. It’s a move that will likely hurt the company’s bottom line in the short term, but that’s a sacrifice 凯洛格 is willing to make if it ensures Hubbard-Hall will be around for the next generation.

“In the long term, it’s absolutely the right thing to do,”她说。. “My secret, long-term strategy is how do we work ourselves out of business? 我们如何帮助客户减少化学品的使用? How do we help them make the product they want to make in the most efficient, 经济, 环境可持续发展的方式?”

“Thank goodness we’re not a public company that’s got to increase quarter-over-quarter. 这对我来说从来没有意义,”她说.

凯洛格 said taking over as head of the board of directors has changed her perspective.

“It’s coming off the ice and onto the bench,凯洛格说, dipping back into her hockey metaphor. “It’s just getting a little bit higher perspective on the business, 或者游戏, 这样我才能长期做出正确的决定.”

Hubbard-Hall was founded in 1849 under the name Apothecaries Hall. By 1889, it had moved into the corner of Bank Street and South Main Street, 熨斗大厦在哪里, 被称为药剂师大厅大楼, 现在. A photograph from the era in Charles 凯洛格’s office shows a horse and buggy trudging down Bank Street.

“That was our delivery vehicle way back when,” 莫莉凯洛格 said.

凯洛格 is aware of Hubbard- Hall’s history and its status as a Waterbury institution. 在她办公室外面, 展出的是一本手写的账簿, 显示了一个多世纪前的付款记录. The chemical company has outlasted many other legacy businesses in the city — Uniroyal, American Brass and Scovill Manufacturing have all come and gone. 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场看到沃特伯里在它周围起起伏伏.

The company’s roots have compelled its leaders to be active in the community.

“我看到它下降,然后上升,查尔斯·凯洛格说, reflecting on Waterbury’s fortunes over the span of his 61 years at the company. He served on a state oversight board 15 years ago that helped keep the city out of insolvency by “maintaining their debt; municipalities love to spend money,他说.

莫莉凯洛格 said Hubbard- Hall has been a top five donor to the United Way for the past decade.

“Dad’s been involved in every board in Connecticut,凯洛格说. “这给我的教训是,你必须出席各种活动, 你必须参与进来, 你必须成为参与者, 因为这是你欠你的社区的.”

澳门威尼斯人网上赌场公司最近将其AquaPure的销量与其他公司持平 废水处理 products to donations for clean drinking water to a school in Kenya. 这是在费丝·米尔泽耶夫斯基的命令下完成的, a chemical engineer hired full-time three years ago out of the University of Connecticut.

最近的一个下午,在沃特伯里的哈伯德大厅, Waste Water Specialist David Joyce mixed AquaPure chemicals into a mud-brown concoction.

处理废水, and “having that expertise that we can bring tank-side to our customer,已经成为澳门威尼斯人网上赌场公司业务的重要组成部分, 首席执行官莫莉·凯洛格说.

Joyce said the client’s water was over the limit for nickel set by the municipality. Hubbard-Hall was hired to produce a custom formula that would separate the nickel from the water so it could be jettisoned into the local sewer. 乔伊斯把清澈的液体滴进烧杯, 水的颜色变黑,然后变深, 肮脏的绿色. “一次做一件事,我一直在改变,改变,”乔伊斯说.

The dark green pollutants solidified into strands and settled to the bottom, 在顶部留下清澈的水.


“我们是康涅狄格经济的故事. 我们最初是一家化肥公司, 后来我们是一家油漆公司, whatever the little local economy was that we could service logistically and efficiently,凯洛格说. “Brass Capital of the world, that really got us into industrial chemicals. 行业了, 他们去了南方, we went South; we’ve gone to China as our customers have gone to China. 我们倾向于跟随他们.”

当查尔斯·凯洛格在20世纪50年代加入家族企业时, Hubbard-Hall was heavily invested in producing nickel anodes for the plating industry and agricultural chemistry.


“我们做了一些混合肥料,”凯洛格说. "医用大麻".”

Hundreds of barrels of chemicals are stacked ceiling high in the company’s warehouse, 工人在哪里混合产品并准备运输. 凯洛格十几岁时就在那里工作, dragging thousands of pounds of chemicals into mixing kettles nearly a story tall. “我几乎做过所有的工作:客户服务, 制造业, 我开过叉车,”她说。. “它给了我一个整体的观点,这是必要的.”

尽管凯洛格说澳门威尼斯人网上赌场“永远不会离开沃特伯里”,” their next expansion likely will go to a state with a more business friendly climate, 她说. Over the years, Hubbard-Hall has expanded into other states, including South Carolina and 麻萨诸塞州跟随它所服务的行业. 他们在全公司雇佣了105人.

“我们的下一个大增长会出现在康涅狄格州吗? 可能不会,”凯洛格说. “我们正在积极寻找.”









Excerpt: Hubbard- Hall President and CEO 莫莉凯洛格 knows all 67 people working at the company’s South Leonard Street headquarters by name. 凯洛格 is the sixth generation of family leadership at Hubbard-Hall.



莫莉凯洛格, who recently took over as chairman of the board of directors from her father Charles at Hubbard-Hall, 站在她十几岁时工作过的商店的一个区域. Photo Credit: Steven Valenti; Republican-American

By Harrison Connery; Republican-American

WATERBURY — Hubbard- Hall President and CEO 莫莉凯洛格 knows all 67 people working at the company’s South Leonard Street headquarters by name.

穿过65,000-square-foot facility her family-owned business built in 1960, 家乐氏与拉斐尔·蒙特斯·德奥卡(Rafael Montes DeOca)等员工开玩笑, 谁以在仓库唱歌而闻名. “We can hear him in the morning through the walls,凯洛格说.

凯洛格 is the sixth generation of family leadership at Hubbard-Hall. 她的外表和行为都像一个行政人员:简单的黑色连衣裙, 她眼镜上粗犷的深色镜框, 轻声细语却充满自信. 凯洛格, 53, became the first female CEO in the company’s 170-year history when she took over for her cousin Andrew Skipp in 2014. Last month, she succeeded her 88year-old father Charles 凯洛格 as chairman of the board.

澳门威尼斯人网上赌场拥有多种产品线, 但在它目前的化身中, 它生产用于表面处理的化学品, cleaning chemicals for industry and chemical formulas that treat waste water.

“这不是蛋糕粉, 但是你拿一些干的原料, 你加入一些水,就会得到一个新的公式,凯洛格说.

凯洛格 initially was not on a direct path to continue the family legacy. 她是普林斯顿大学比较文学专业的学生, 而且她从未上过化学课. 然后她获得了欧洲工商管理学院的MBA学位, 枫丹白露的一所国际商学院, 法国, 接管了公司的威尔明顿, 质量.、位置. 她说,在那里,她“被虫子咬了一口”.”

她担任首席执行官后的第一个重大举措是改善公司 文化 鼓励她的员工坦诚相待, a policy which she says increased trust among colleagues and allows a good idea to come to the forefront regardless of who proposes it.

“你可以拥有世界上最好的球员, 但是一支伟大的球队是从更衣室开始的,”她说。, 画一条与冰球平行的线, 这是她在普林斯顿发现的激情. “All of a sudden we’re getting quickly to the wicked problems versus a more political atmosphere where people talk after meetings or in corners.”

她作为董事会主席的第一个项目 Aquaease无穷该网站将在两周后通过网络研讨会发布. It’s a metal cleaner that reduces the amount of chemicals needed in the cleaning process by about 35%. It’s a move that will likely hurt the company’s bottom line in the short term, but that’s a sacrifice 凯洛格 is willing to make if it ensures Hubbard-Hall will be around for the next generation.

“In the long term, it’s absolutely the right thing to do,”她说。. “My secret, long-term strategy is how do we work ourselves out of business? 我们如何帮助客户减少化学品的使用? How do we help them make the product they want to make in the most efficient, 经济, 环境可持续发展的方式?”

“Thank goodness we’re not a public company that’s got to increase quarter-over-quarter. 这对我来说从来没有意义,”她说.

凯洛格 said taking over as head of the board of directors has changed her perspective.

“It’s coming off the ice and onto the bench,凯洛格说, dipping back into her hockey metaphor. “It’s just getting a little bit higher perspective on the business, 或者游戏, 这样我才能长期做出正确的决定.”

Hubbard-Hall was founded in 1849 under the name Apothecaries Hall. By 1889, it had moved into the corner of Bank Street and South Main Street, 熨斗大厦在哪里, 被称为药剂师大厅大楼, 现在. A photograph from the era in Charles 凯洛格’s office shows a horse and buggy trudging down Bank Street.

“That was our delivery vehicle way back when,” 莫莉凯洛格 said.

凯洛格 is aware of Hubbard- Hall’s history and its status as a Waterbury institution. 在她办公室外面, 展出的是一本手写的账簿, 显示了一个多世纪前的付款记录. The chemical company has outlasted many other legacy businesses in the city — Uniroyal, American Brass and Scovill Manufacturing have all come and gone. 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场看到沃特伯里在它周围起起伏伏.

The company’s roots have compelled its leaders to be active in the community.

“我看到它下降,然后上升,查尔斯·凯洛格说, reflecting on Waterbury’s fortunes over the span of his 61 years at the company. He served on a state oversight board 15 years ago that helped keep the city out of insolvency by “maintaining their debt; municipalities love to spend money,他说.

莫莉凯洛格 said Hubbard- Hall has been a top five donor to the United Way for the past decade.

“Dad’s been involved in every board in Connecticut,凯洛格说. “这给我的教训是,你必须出席各种活动, 你必须参与进来, 你必须成为参与者, 因为这是你欠你的社区的.”

澳门威尼斯人网上赌场公司最近将其AquaPure的销量与其他公司持平 废水处理 products to donations for clean drinking water to a school in Kenya. 这是在费丝·米尔泽耶夫斯基的命令下完成的, a chemical engineer hired full-time three years ago out of the University of Connecticut.

最近的一个下午,在沃特伯里的哈伯德大厅, Waste Water Specialist David Joyce mixed AquaPure chemicals into a mud-brown concoction.

处理废水, and “having that expertise that we can bring tank-side to our customer,已经成为澳门威尼斯人网上赌场公司业务的重要组成部分, 首席执行官莫莉·凯洛格说.

Joyce said the client’s water was over the limit for nickel set by the municipality. Hubbard-Hall was hired to produce a custom formula that would separate the nickel from the water so it could be jettisoned into the local sewer. 乔伊斯把清澈的液体滴进烧杯, 水的颜色变黑,然后变深, 肮脏的绿色. “一次做一件事,我一直在改变,改变,”乔伊斯说.

The dark green pollutants solidified into strands and settled to the bottom, 在顶部留下清澈的水.


“我们是康涅狄格经济的故事. 我们最初是一家化肥公司, 后来我们是一家油漆公司, whatever the little local economy was that we could service logistically and efficiently,凯洛格说. “Brass Capital of the world, that really got us into industrial chemicals. 行业了, 他们去了南方, we went South; we’ve gone to China as our customers have gone to China. 我们倾向于跟随他们.”

当查尔斯·凯洛格在20世纪50年代加入家族企业时, Hubbard-Hall was heavily invested in producing nickel anodes for the plating industry and agricultural chemistry.


“我们做了一些混合肥料,”凯洛格说. "医用大麻".”

Hundreds of barrels of chemicals are stacked ceiling high in the company’s warehouse, 工人在哪里混合产品并准备运输. 凯洛格十几岁时就在那里工作, dragging thousands of pounds of chemicals into mixing kettles nearly a story tall. “我几乎做过所有的工作:客户服务, 制造业, 我开过叉车,”她说。. “它给了我一个整体的观点,这是必要的.”

尽管凯洛格说澳门威尼斯人网上赌场“永远不会离开沃特伯里”,” their next expansion likely will go to a state with a more business friendly climate, 她说. Over the years, Hubbard-Hall has expanded into other states, including South Carolina and 麻萨诸塞州跟随它所服务的行业. 他们在全公司雇佣了105人.

“我们的下一个大增长会出现在康涅狄格州吗? 可能不会,”凯洛格说. “我们正在积极寻找.”
